
54 Huawei phone promo demonstrates the power of “Kiasuism”

Social Commentary

$54 Huawei phone promo demonstrates the power of “Kiasuism”

Social Commentary

Ever heard of this saying in Singapore? “Hell hath no fury like an elderly scorned”. Clearly, Huawei didn’t, seeing as how they have completely botched their whole promotional event for their phones.

Specifically, their whole promotion was based on the upcoming 54th National Day and was targeted at people born during or around the Merdeka generation, aptly discounting their Huawei Y6 Pro smartphone to SG$54 from its original SG$198 price.

By now you must have already heard about how it has failed spectacularly, with angry uncles and aunties causing a ruckus at various Huawei stores around Singapore.


Obviously, the thought process behind the whole promotion was not one made with due research. Not only was the promotion made with the intention to attract Singaporeans, but to Singaporeans over aged 50. Bad idea.

Kiasu-ism is one well-known trait that many Singaporeans share. It is baked in at a genetic level. Anything new or cheap, we can’t help but get it; it’s instinct at this point. I mean, you’re talking about the same people who go out of their way for Hello Kitty plushies at McDonald’s and spend hours queuing for Coldplay tickets – yes that’s right, Coldplay of all bands.

Read our full commentary on the misjudged incident here.

Ever heard of this saying in Singapore? “Hell hath no fury like an elderly scorned”. Clearly, Huawei didn’t, seeing as how they have completely botched their whole promotional event for their phones. Specifically, their whole promotion was based on the upcoming 54th National Day and was targeted at people born during or around the Merdeka generation, aptly discounting their Huawei Y6 Pro smartphone to SG$54 from its original SG$198 price. By now you must have already heard about how it has failed spectacularly, with angry uncles and aunties causing a ruckus at various Huawei stores around Singapore.

Obviously, the thought process behind the whole promotion was not one made with due research. Not only was the promotion made with the intention to attract Singaporeans, but to Singaporeans over aged 50. Bad idea.

Kiasu-ism is one well-known trait that many Singaporeans share. It is baked in at a genetic level. Anything new or cheap, we can’t help but get it; it’s instinct at this point. I mean, you’re talking about the same people who go out of their way for Hello Kitty plushies at McDonald’s and spend hours queuing for Coldplay tickets – yes that’s right, Coldplay of all bands.

Read our full commentary on the misjudged incident here.

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